Pool maintenance is one of the most important aspects of owning a pool. If pools are not taken care of, they will pose a hazard to health and safety. Pools should undergo routine maintenance as frequently as every week with various maintenance activities that deal with different subsystems of the pool system. The main points of concern are the pool walls, pipes, water circulation and filtration systems, and heating systems. Although there are companies that handle pool maintenance for you, it is often not necessary unless there are repairs to be done. Most routine maintenance on a pool can be carried out by yourself in an afternoon.

Pool Systems
A basic pool comprises of a few subsystems which it relies on to keep everything functional and includes as many subsystems as the pool has features. The water circulation system is the most basic and is responsible for the filtration and movement of water in the pool to keep it clean and prevent it from stagnating. Ideally the circulation system should be on at all times, but this is not feasible with the power consumption for most people. Water should circulate for at least 8-10 hours each day and fully cycle out the water at least once a day. This prevents growth of algae and filters the water by running it through the filters. The filters should be checked every few months and replaced if required. If a water heating system such as solar pool heating Brisbane is also present the filters and pipes in it should also be cleaned as specified by the manufacturer. Damaged filters may soon result in damaged piping which is much more expensive to repair. The pool lights should also be cleaned regularly and checked for any exposed or damaged wiring. Adding algaecide may help keep the growth of algae under control although this is unnecessary if there is no such problem.
Water Chemistry
The cleanliness of pool water is an important metric in pool care. Pool has house various bacteria and organisms that can be harmful for health. Chlorine is added to pool water to clean it, but excessive usage can lead to the pool smelling and the water irritating users’ eyes. Chlorinate the pool at night so the pool can be cleaned without disruption, and you’ll have a clean pool by morning. Clean and well-balanced pool water helps avoid costly repairs later as filters, piping and other equipment can corrode due to the mineral build up and acidity. The pH level should be kept in the range of 7.4 to 7.6, and the chlorine concentration should be between 1-3 parts per million (ppm).

Pool Interior
The pool interior should be kept clean from moss, dirt and grime. The pool maintenance schedule should include scrubbing the interior walls and floor of the pool regularly to wipe of any growth or dirt. The pool floor should be kept clear of debris by vacuuming and scrubbing the pool floor at least weekly.